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Created in 2014, Get in Situ is a synergy between archeologists and geomatic engineers. Our team provides expertise in geomatics and three-dimensional (3D) digital content for scientific and outreach programs, through the creation of 3D animations, virtual reality and augmented reality applications specifically designed to meet our customer needs.
Our team adapts existing surveying solutions and three-dimensional digital numerisation techniques to the specificity and scale of studied objects. Using high-resolution photogrammetry and/or laser techniques, we can render small objects, shapes and textures up to whole topographical contexts (valley or hillside). We propose traditionnal topographic work, two-dimensional terrain representation, LiDAR acquisition, aerial and terrestrial photography, drone imaging and three-dimensional object scanning.
Enhancing three-dimensional models for outreach activities in the form of animated films enables the sharing of three-dimensional data, often only accessible to specialists with dedicated software suites, to a larger audience with no technical know-how. Animated films integrating real world three-dimensional elements are truly efficient communication tools for integrating the three-dimensional spatiality of objects and contexts.
Virtual visit using an integrated 3D navigation tool. Three-dimensional information sharing, development of user-friendly tools with 3D support and interaction of 3D object database and userspecified functions.
For scientifics purposes, geodata exploration is easier using the GIS tools. The robust deployment of such techniques offers the best way to query easily and effciently the geolocated entities gathered in structured databases.
Get in Situ is involved in many long-term projects and partnerships.